Re-evaluating your goals is never a bad idea but it doesn’t have to be everything all at once & it doesn’t have to start January 1st. Common resolutions like picking up a new hobby, joining a gym, journaling, waking up earlier, eating less meat and giving sobriety a try are a lot to take on when the calendar flips. Thinking of tackling every one of those- we’re already defeated. Instead of thinking of all the things about yourself that need to be fixed, we like to focus on little actions you can take that will add to your life.
One step at a time. 

 "You’ll give yourself your best shot at success if you set a goal that’s doable — and meaningful too." 

As outlined by the NY Times, they provide a well laid out and thoughtful approach to setting goals. SMART goals are a great way to approach setting sustainable resolutions for the New Year. 

  1. Specific This is the “who, what, when, where, and why” of goal setting. If it’s too vague, not clear, or too big-picture, that will make it harder to meet. How can you make it specific enough to make actual steps towards your goal throughout your day, week, and year?

  2. Measurable How will you know if you're making progress? This step helps identify if you are successfully meeting your goals or not.  

  3. Achievable This step identifies how you’re going to accomplish the goal and if you have the resources you need to do so. By taking something off your plate (literally) you can fit more into your day and life. 

  4. Relevant How does your goal align with your lifestyle or broader goals? Set a goal that makes sense to your life. What is missing or what do you want more of? Make this something that excites you.

  5. Time - Bound It’s hard to measure the success of something without some sort of measurement or time frame. Give yourself a month, two or three to see how you’re making progress.


What we’re all actually looking for is an investment into our long-term health that’s sustainable.

Adding more time back into your day by not having to worry about cooking allows you to focus on things that matter to you. You can feel good knowing you’re fueling your body with balanced, nutrient-dense meals, while having the space to explore a new hobby or revisiting an old one.

That’s a solution that can last all year long.



If you’re ready to make an investment in your health and save time, check out our Plant-Based and Wellness menus. For more inspiration about how healthy meals can fit into your lifestyle, check out this article featuring our fave fitness instructor, Neal Haley


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